From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

Monday, November 28, 2011

RA Is Here!!!!

Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.                   Proverbs 25:25

We got the call today!  Our referral acceptance arrived at our agency and we've had an afternoon of much excitement!  As you can see, we are now able to post her precious photo and we will be able to share more about her with you all.  We're pretty sure she's the most adorable little girl in all of China. :)  There is still more paperwork to be done (imagine that!) and a little more waiting as we prepare for travel.  AWAA is guesstimating at this point that travel will be in late February or possibly early March.  Of course, I pray ultimately for God's perfect timing and at the same time, I am hoping for February.  I think I've shared in a previous post that her birthday is February 23.  She will be turning 2.  I hope so much that we will have her by then. 

For once, I guess I'm sort of at a loss for words in this post.  I'm still trying to process the whole afternoon and what needs to be done this week.  More signatures on documents and deadlines that have to be met as every piece of paper, at this point, is very time sensitive.  Each time another step is made in this process, I am once again humbled at the fact God has led us here.  He really, truly has led us to this place, to be the parents and family to this little angel.  There's a place in her papers that says "Identity: institutionalized child whose birth parents cannot be ascertained".  That sentence nearly took my breath away.  A door closed, for whatever reason, to her birth family has opened a door for us.  And again, I wonder, why us?  My goodness!  What a blessing to be chosen for this child! 

Monday is a busy day of the week for us with the kids extracurricular stuff and beside all that, we celebrated our RA and we are actually getting snow tonight!  In November!  School has already been cancelled for tomorrow and my kids have not came out of the clouds over that yet!  I will post more about our sweet girl tomorrow.  Right now I'm ready to snuggle up with my family and say, "Bring on the snow!" 

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?   Psalm 8:3-4

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.....James 1:17

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Quiet Week

Well it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything and I actually have nothing new to report.  We are still in "neutral" just waiting for our RA.  All along, I really thought we'd have it October and be working with our travel coordinator by now.  Instead, after the delay for our missing document, it is almost Thanksgiving and still nothing.  It has been SO difficult to read other family blogs with a similar timeline as ours to find out that their RA's arrived nearly a month ago.  I shouldn't even be comparing our journey to others, I know.  There a handful of people we've sort of connected with that I hoped we might be traveling with.  Now, I doubt that will happen.  My hope still rests in the Lord.  He knew this happen before our journey began.  And there's a very good reason because His plans are perfect.  I just wish I knew what it is!  Why is it so hard to wait?  Not that life doesn't stop.  I'm just as busy with my family as ever and time seems to be going quick.  But sometimes, that's just it.  Time is ticking away and Maggie is continuing to grow and change and we don't want to miss out on anymore of her life than we already have.  Unlike a pregnancy, when you wonder for those 9 months what color their hair will be, who will they be the most like, etc.  We are in love with a few photos of  her sweet face and the brief  history we have of her.  I feel in my heart I know who she is and we want her here so much!  That's our child on the other side of the world, whether she came from my womb or not.  My heart will not rest until we have her with us.  For those of you reading, we covet your prayers! 

This week was quiet in that we didn't receive any news.  Also, I've had sick children this week.  One missed everyday of school this week.  So, in that sense, it has been quiet also.  It's amazing how just 1 out of 3 being down makes such a difference.  She's a lot better now.  Back to school tomorrow!  I wake up most mornings thinking, "Lord, will this be the day?  Will we get our call in order to get our visas and travel arrangements in order?  Will this be the day?".  At any rate, each day is a day that the Lord has made.  I can't say exactly that each day I have been "glad in it", but I am learning to depend more on Him.  I'm learning more to let him take control of the things I have no control over.  The other day, someone said, "You must be a very patient person".  I just smiled.  Ha!  They have no idea that I certainly am not!  This is a very "teaching" time in my life.  I'm accepting (slowly but surely) its better to be "teachable" than to be kicking and screaming against everything. 

To everyone out there, Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope your week is filled with good times with family, good food and a time to stop and truly be thankful.  This is my favorite time of the year.  I am thankful in my heart for so much and I outwardly don't show it enough!  Next, the anticipation of Christmas!  Each year gets better and better.  By next Christmas, we'll have one more at the table, one more in the family photo card and one more to teach what Christmas is all about.  We can't wait!

Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.  I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue.....but surely God has listened and heard my voice in prayer.
                                                                                                                     Psalm 66:16-19

....But hope that is seen is no hope at all.  Who hopes for what he already has?  But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.                                                                                     Romans 8:24b-2

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
                                                                                                                      Psalm 71:14

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Sweet Day

Our missing document has made it to China!  We got word from our agency today that our papers arrived in Beijing this morning and will  be delivered directly to the CCCWA.  Thank you, Lord!  I hope now that you all will help us to pray that this paper will go to the right place, to the hands of the right people and that our RA will be issued soon.  Yay!  What a good way to start a Monday!  We don't know the reason for this hiccup, but with the Lord's help we continue to trust and find joy in this journey. 

Another reason the day was sweet is because my baby turned 6 today!  On Monday, November 7, 2005, one of the four most beautiful children in the world was born.  No one knew the amount of joy she would bring to our family.  It feels like it was just last week that it was November 2005.  Time is flying and her daddy and I can't slow it down.  I've shared with you in an earlier post about her being strong willed and our little firecracker.  She has so many attributes that I can't name them all.  She's a tiger in the mornings, she can argue with the best of them, she's leader and not a follower and yet she's a softie when it comes to small children and animals.  So much personality in one little package!  I wish she was still that newborn in the hospital.  I'm selfish.  I just want to keep all my kids little.  Most days they drive me crazy and there are moments I wish they were a little older and more independent.  But overall, I can't imagine life without a small child in the house.  I'm so glad we will be welcoming a toddler! 

I took cake and cheetos to her kindergarten class today.  And she opened a present when we got home.
She has been counting the days down to today for a while now.  She's been so happy getting her phone calls from family and looking forward to having her friends over this weekend for a party at home.  Mondays are our busiest day of the week after school.  We go from one extracurricular activity to another with barely time for supper in between.  This evening I was running around my kitchen trying to fix something before it was time to go again and she kept begging me to sit down at her little table with her because she had a surprise for me.  It was her day, so I sat down.  She handed me a gift she'd wrapped all by herself.  It turned out to be one of her story books, but hey, it's the thought that counts.  Then she sat a lunchbox on the table and unpacked 2 peanut butter sandwiches (that she made herself) and 2 bottles of water.  She told me she had packed this picnic supper just for me and her since I had done all those nice things for her today.  I wouldn't trade that picnic supper for any amount of money in the world!  On a normal Monday, I would've probably put her off in order to get things done around here.  We ate our peanut butter and talked about her day.  I was reminded then that every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17).  My daughter's sweetness is perfect and priceless!  Happy Birthday, Sydno!  Mommy and Daddy love you more than words can say! 

Since our picnic, I can't get the Cinderella song by Steven Curtis Chapman out of my head.  Kevin loves it, but it brings him to tears everytime!  God has taught me today to "stop and smell the roses in life" I guess you could say.  You never know what blessing you may miss.  Before we know it, our little princes and princesses will be grown!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Well I guess you could say we've had our first hiccup or "bump in the road" with our dossier.  As I've mentioned, we are anxiously awaiting our RA.  The phone rang Monday morning around 10:30ish and I immediatley recognized the number as being from our agency.  My heart skipped a beat as I thought the voice on the other end would say that our RA has arrived.  Instead the voice on the other end said, "I wish I was calling with better news, but......".  Then my heart sort of sank.  As our dossier was being reviewed for the RA, an important document was missing.  One that has to do with our immigration approval.  I am certain it left my hands for our agency and then was doubled checked by their staff for accuracy.  We have a copy of it, so we know it left the country.  The only stop it made in between was to be translated.  It  must've got misplaced or lost somewhere in the translation process.  The good thing is that I don't have to do anything on our end.  AWAA is in the DC area and will be able to handle the process of obtaining what's necessary.  The not so good news is that it will take a few days to obtain and resend this document.  Hopefully once the CCCWA has received it, they will go ahead and issue the RA.  If not, this one piece of paper may have to wait in line to be reviewed.  Count it all joy, right?

Back to the phone conversation....isn't funny how, even if we're not receiving good news, that we take someone's word, act really calm and tell them we understand?  Then when you hang up your brain processes everything that was said and you want to scream?   Yep.  That's what I did.  Then TEARS for a long time!  I'd hoped and prayed like everything we would get our RA in the month of October.  Now it was October 31st and no way it was going to happen.  God did something really sweet for me during that phone call, though.  For whatever reason, my husband came through the door and was there for me to scream and cry!  I told him I felt like we would never get to China and when we did Maggie would be half grown!  After a good long talk with him, I know that God knew we would have this "hiccup" even before our process began.  He never told us our adoption journey would be easy, he just said, "Go". 

Hopefully this will not put off our travel any longer than what they've guessed (Feb), but there's always a possibility for that to change.  Even with this little hold up, we are still in our window of time that they've given us to receive our RA.  At the end of the day, I trust my Lord.  He knows and sees all.  He has reminded me once again that He is not bound by time.  Everything in this journey is for our good and His glory! 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.                                                                Romans 8:28

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.                                     James 1: 2-3

......He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion......    Phillipians 1:6

Please help us pray that this document will be delivered to the right hands, that it will complete our dossier and we will get our approval in order to move forward in the steps of arranging travel.  On a happier note, here's a pic of my 3 little munchkins on Halloween.  They had a ball at our church's annual fall festival.  October has officially come and gone with no RA and somehow I'm okay with that.  And in the words of Scarlett O'Hara, "After all, tomorrow is another day".