From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's Getting Close!

Well I guess it's time to hear from Dad since time is getting close. I have been very emotional the past few weeks because when I reflect on what all God has done and what He is going to do sometimes it seems a little overwhelming. I wish I could explain to each of you, who has followed us through this journey, prayed with us, cried with us and encouraged us when we were down, how we feel but all I can say is Thank You. One of the guys in my prayer group prayed the other night that Maggie will be a part of a bigger family than just ours, our church family and that's how we feel also. One of my prayers is that Maggie will grow to know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior here and someday go back to China and use what God has taught her and make a difference in someone else life, I also pray that for each of my children. For His glory.

As of January 13, 2012 we received a letter from NVC(National Visa Center) stating that Maggie's visa application has been processed and forwarded to U.S. Embassy/Consulate General in Guangzhou, China-Mainland. We are very excited, very scared, very nervous and every other kind of emotion to go with that, all rolled into one. Please continue to pray as this is probably the hardest part, WAITING. Also continue to pray that when we get Maggie that her transition process would go smoothly.

   I know many of you have read our testimony of how we have got to where we are now but I would like to tell you a condensed version of what God has been doing in my life through the adoption process. It never ever ever even crossed my mind that we would even think about adopting. God can not only change your mind but He can also change your heart. God has put a love in my heart that I cannot explain for a little girl on the other side of the world that I've never talked too, never had any communication with and only seen very few pictures of. Most of you parents know the love that I'm talking about. The same love you have for an unborn child.  I am blessed with a beautiful, wonderful wife and 3 great kids and one on the way and sometimes I wonder why He chose to bless us again. When we first started the process we thought it would be a long process, maybe 1 1/2 years or 2 years or maybe even 3 years. So I started to try to figure out how we could come up with the money. Crystal and I felt that God didn't want us to borrow, raise or even ask for any money, just trust Him. While praying that this would all happen in His time, on June 3rd of last year God kicked it in gear. Crystal and I were on a conference call with our agency and  our coodinator was explaining all the details of the adoption process and even how long it could take. After hanging up we were a little overwhelmed with the whole process and all of the unknowns and not 5 minutes after we hung up my wife called me in tears. By this time I was in a store in Linden and I first thought that something had happened to one of the kids. All I heard was we have a file that our agency wants us to look at.  Crystal didn't want to look at the pictures until we had gotten the file but I couldn't wait to see her. Now who could resist a little girl in Tennessee orange.

   I knew without a doubt that God had done something only He could. After wiping tears for a few minutes even being asked if something was wrong by the store owner I got in my truck and burst into tears again. I thanked God for what He was doing and for the confirmation (again) for what He started. After coming out of the clouds I again wondered how God was going to come up with money to do this in such a short time. All I can say is that each point that money has been due God has provided. It's been amazing to be apart of.

  We are now at the end of all the paperwork, waiting and paperwork and waiting and even more paperwork and more waiting we are excited to be this close to  meeting our little girl. We believe that even though she was born from other parents God created her knowing that she would be in our family. Through this process God has showed me that He can do anything He wants too.  The US government nor the Chinese government nor anybody else can change Gods plan. We are not one bit worried about anything because we know that our family is right where God wants us to be and theres no better feeling in the world.

 Thank You again each of you who have went through this journey with us,  prayed for us and helped us financially. We are truly greatful. Please continue to pray for our family.

  So we ask you to pray:
1. For Maggie - health and transition
2. The flight (I don't like planes)
3. My children - being away for 2 weeks

Psalms 62:5-8


1 comment:

  1. We will definitely keep praying! We have been praying for weeks for Maggie to have a smooth transition, that she will "fit in" and feel like family from the very beginning, for those taking care of her and for each one of you as you go through this process. What a blessing for the entire family; can't wait for the next update!Love, Gerri
